ETG Farmers Foundation
Research shows that the arable land available to be cultivated and the number of individual farmers who can work that land make Sub-Saharan Africa the most ideal spot for global food production. Considering the rapidly changing environment, global social and economic shifts, growing population, and diminishing natural resources, smallholder farmers in Africa could be our best means by which to sustain life.
ETG Farmers Foundation (EFF), a non-profit organization established in 2013 by our founding benefactor, the Export Trading Group (ETG), seeks to establish meaningful partnerships with the public and private sectors to bring this vision to reality. Market buyers, government agencies, research and development institutions, donor organizations, input suppliers, transportation companies, farming technology companies, and impact investors all play a part in addressing the issues surrounding the world’s growing economic, political, and environmental instability.
- An opportunity or favorable time or occasion.
- A situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal.
- A good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success*.”
This is a moment of opportunity: to expand our vision, our mission, forge strong and meaningful partnerships, and ultimately, change lives – from individuals, to communities, to entire populations.
Together, we have an opportunity to cause significant change – one smallholder at a time.
Poorva Pandya
[email protected]
Office: +255 22 212 4474
Mobile: +255 68 355 7667
Nadia Paschetta
[email protected]
Office: +255 22 212 4474
Mobile: +255 78 583 1857
Henrica Makulu
[email protected]
Office: +263 4 788243
Mobile: +263 772 888 803