Mechanization Project

Guruve, Zimbabwe Program Details and Objectives:   In addition to the out-grower soya bean project the Foundation established its pilot mechanization project to assist our already established community of contract farmers in Guruve. This mechanization project provides farmers with the option to rent one of two tractors owned and operated by the Foundation to till, [...]

Soya Bean Project

Guruve, Zimbabwe Project Details and Objectives: The Zimbabwe out-growers soya bean project has been on-going since the 2011/2012 season and provided smallholder farmers with input financing packages and full extension support including: workshops, in-the field training and assistance through our trained FEOs who aim to introduce soya beans as a cash crop into the community [...]

Sesame Project

Mount Darwin Program Details and Objectives: Continuing the Foundation’s aims to build sustainable communities, the Foundations goal is to commercialise Sesame across Zimbabwe, and be the leader  with IETC Zimbabwe as a buyer and creating leaders from smallholder communities to spread the know-how and economic benefits of growing Sesame. Our projects have increased to include [...]